
There’s no need for a pasta maker or fancy equipment for these noodles; a rolling pin and some elbow grease will do. These noodles make a great base for a summery pasta salad, or a welcome addition to a slippery chicken pot pie to warm up a cold winter’s day. The versatile recipe even allows you to season noodles for an extra punch of flavor in a pasta salad or side dish. Save time and make a large batch to freeze for later use!

Print Recipe
  1. Dust a clean work surface with all purpose flour and then create a pile of two cups of flour in the center of the work surface. Using your fist create a well in the center of the flour.
  2. Crack your eggs directly into the well you created in the flour, and pour in the olive oil (if using).
  3. Using your hands, combine the ingredients together until they are thoroughly incorporated.
  4. Knead the dough for approximately 10 minutes until it is smooth and elastic. (If you are adding additional seasonings - see Helpful Hints #2 - now is the time to add them.)
  5. Cover the dough with a clean towel or plastic wrap and allow to rest on the counter for 30 minutes.
  6. After the dough has rested, use a rolling pin, and roll the dough 1/16 to 1/8 inch in thickness. (Remember noodles will plump some when cooked.)
  7. Then use a pastry cutter or knife to cut the noodles into your desired shape.
  8. To cook freshly made pasta, bring pot of water to a boil and cook noodles for six minutes, or until they float to the surface of the pot and are firm to touch.
Helpful Hints
  1. If your dough is too sticky, coat your hands in olive oil or cooking spray to help keep the dough from sticking to them.
  2. Want extra flavor in your noodles? Add dried herbs, minced garlic, finely diced onions or crushed sun-dried tomatoes to the dough while kneading. The options and flavor combinations are endless! Our favorite seasoning is fresh cracked black pepper, dried Italian herbs, and minced garlic.
  3. Uncooked noodles freeze well for later use, so we like to make multiple recipes worth at one time. After cutting into desired shapes, leave them lay out for an hour on your work surface to dry. Then remove from work surface, and store them in plastic zipper bags in your freezer for up to three months. Cook them the same as you would freshly made pasta.

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